Curious about what Youtube legend NikkieTutorials has to say about the Night Watch? With SnapGuide, students decide for themselves which tour guide shows them around.

With their smartphone in hand students discover Dutch art and history and the personal favorites of their chosen hero. The Youtubers challenge students; pose as one of the persons on the Night Watch and take a selfie. Or find the richest person in the room and explain why you chose them. The students can share challenges with their teacher and classmates.

How does it work?

After registering your group visit, the students can open this link on their smartphone once they are in the museum:

Emphasize that they save their videos and/or photos after each challenge. In that way you can discuss the things they learned and discovered after they did all the challenges of their chosen SnapGuide tour.

Independent visit
Digital tour with challenges

  • SnapGuide is only working on smartphones
  • Tours take about 60 minutes
  • We offer free WIFI in the museum
  • Don’t forget your earplugs
  • All unguided visits need to be booked