Catalogue of Italian Paintings
Catalogue of Italian paintings in the Rijksmuseum
One in the series of catalogues of Rijksmuseum’s permanent collections, aiming to give technical and art-historical details of paintings by Italian artists cared for by the Rijksmuseum.
About the project
The Rijksmuseum’s collection of Italian paintings comprises 198 works spanning the thirteenth to the nineteenth century, from most of the major artistic centres including Rome, Florence, Siena, Bologna, Milan and Venice. For this catalog project, a research protocol focused on non-invasive research methods such as X-radiography and infrared Imaging (including reflectography, false-colour and transmitted infrared) was developed. For selected paintings the research was expanded with additional methods such as high resolution photography, macro-X-ray fluorescence scanning and microscopic examination of paint samples.
aim of the project
To provide a comprehensive account of each of the Italian paintings in the Rijksmuseum, both those on display and those in storage, for use by art-historians, scholars, conservators, and the general public. Particular attention is being paid to technical research, often in collaboration with other major museums, such as the National Gallery, London, or the Museo di Capodimonte, Naples, with whom information is shared. The catalogue will be published on-line, taking advantage of the possibilities this offers to include technical images.
Related publications
- G.S. de Vivo, D. Bull, A. van Loon, P. Noble, A. Hirayama, Y. Abe en I. Nakai, ‘An unusual pigment in 16th-century Ferrara: “Egyptian blue” in Garofalo’s “Adoration of the Magi” and Ortolano’s “St Margaret”, in A. Haack Christensen en A. Jager, reds., Trading Paintings and Painters’ Materials 1550–1800, Archetype Publications, London, 2019, pp. 136-148.
- G.S. de Vivo and D. Bull, ‘Approccio metodologico allo studio della collezione dei dipinti italiani del Rijksmuseum di Amsterdam’, in Lo stato dell’arte 16. Congresso annuale IGIIC, Trento, Italië, 2018.
- D. Bull, The Architect and the Musician: Piero di Cosimo’s portraits of Giulano da Sangallo and his father, Amsterdam (Rijksmuseum) 2013.
- D. Bull: ‘A superannuated analemma in Paolo Veronese’s portrait of Daniele Barbaro’, in M. Israëls and L. Waldman, eds., Villa I Tatti Series: Renaissance Studies in Honor of Joseph Connors, Milan and Cambridge Mass., 2013, vol. I, pp. 378-84.
- D. Bull: ‘Ludovico Carracci’s “Vision of St Francis”: textual sources and visual influence’, The Rijksmuseum Bulletin 60 (2012), no. 4, pp. 283-314.
- D. Bull (with D. Jansen and W. de Ridder) ‘Les portraits de Jacopo et Ottavio Strada par Titien et Tintoret’, in J. Habert and V. Delieuvin, eds: Titien, Tintoret, Véronèse. Rivalités à Venise, exh. cat., Musée du Louvre, Paris, 2009, pp. 200-13.
- D. Bull: ‘De Rijksmuseum Botticelli onder de loep: de gevaren van natuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek’, Het Bulletin van Het Rijksmuseum 56 (2008), nr.1, pp. 48-57.
- D. Bull: ‘Francesco Trevisani’s “St Felicity”, a gift from cardinal Ottoboni to the marquis de Torcy’, The Burlington Magazine 150 (2008), pp.4-14
Duncan Bull
Senior Curator of Italian Painting (2001–2021)
Machtelt Brüggen Israëls
Research Curator of Italian Painting (since 2021)
Giulia Sara de Vivo
Paintings Conservator
Partners and sponsors
This project is supported by the Familie Van Ogtrop Fonds/ Rijksmuseum Fonds.