The Rijksmuseum Science Department will host a workshop on the Chemistry of Lead in Oil Paintings.


Present in the crystalline structure of numerous historical pigments and driers, the element lead is widely encountered in easel paintings. In this context, understanding its chemistry within those complex heterogeneous systems is key to reveal the historical painting techniques and to develop better conservation strategies.

This workshop will bring together scientific experts to discuss the latest results regarding the physical and chemical processes involving lead pigments and ions in oil paint. In addition to in-depth scientific talks, ample time is planned to encourage scientific discussion to share (often unpublished) observations and experiences, identify key problems and formulate sound hypotheses on the behaviour of lead in oil paint in support of our collective research efforts towards the conservation of artworks.

More specifically, the programme will feature:

  • New clues on the composition and synthesis of historical lead-based pigments,
  • The interactions on the interface between lead-based pigments and oil binder,
  • The (re-)crystallization of new lead mineral compounds,
  • Reactivity of lead ions in oil binding media (lead soaps etc.)

Invited speakers

The following researchers will give a lecture:

  • Dr. Silvia Centeno (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA)
  • Prof. dr. Gillez Wallez (Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris, Paris, France)
  • Prof. dr. Koen Janssens (Universiteit van Antwerpen, Belgium)
  • Dr. Marine Cotte (ESRF, Grenoble, France)
  • Dr. Letizia Monico (CNR-SCITEC, Perugia, Italy)
  • Dr. Laurence de Viguerie (CNRS-LAMS, Paris, France)

Organizing committee

Dr. Victor Gonzalez, assistant researcher (postdoc), Rijksmuseum

Dr. Joen Hermans, assistant researcher (postdoc), Rijksmuseum/ University of Amsterdam

Apas Zwart, department assistant Conservation & Science, Rijksmuseum


20 and 21 February 2020
Rijksmuseum Ateliergebouw


Rijksmuseum Ateliergebouw
Hobbemastraat 22
1071 ZC Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Participants should arrange and pay for their own travel to/ from Amsterdam and accommodation.