This play-and-discover tour of the best of the Rijksmuseum will sharpen your senses. Come along and explore together! Step into The Night Watch together, load a cannon, pose as an admiral and smell the aromas of the meals on tables 17th-century still lifes.

Can we help?

+3120 674 7474
During office hours

Good to know

Cancellation after payment is no longer possible. Refund is only possible if the museum has to cancel the program due to government measures.

Rescheduling the date is possible, subject to availability, up to 1 week before the visit date (please note that this does not apply to private tours).

We thank

The private guided tour can be offered at this discounted rate courtesy of Bas ten Haaf Fund / Rijksmuseum Fund.

€ 30 per tour
Every weekend and Wednesday
Assistance dogs are welcome


  • € 30 per tour
  • max. 8 personen
  • excl. access museum


  • Wednesday 15-16.30h
  • Saturday and Sunday 13-14.30h

Who is it for

For families with children with a child and/or parent with a visual impairment


The tour starts at the information desk