Individual funds and labeled donations in order of establishment.

J.W. Edwin Vom Rath Fonds a fund for the purchase of paintings, prints or objects in the category of sculpture and crafts. The objects may only be exhibited in Amsterdam.

M.J. Drabbe Fonds a fund for the acquisition of artefacts for the Rijksmuseum’s Asian Art department.

Paul Huf Fonds a fund for purchases for the National Photography Collection.

Veluvine Molijn de Groot Fonds a fund that gives young people from Nunspeet inspiring opportunities to get to know the Netherlands’ cultural heritage.

Goslings NieuwBeerta Fonds a fund for Japanese prints and drawings, specifically Surimono.

Suman Fonds a fund that promotes the Rijksmuseum’s accessibility to English-speaking children.

Ebus Fonds a fund for the collection of medieval art.

Gerhards Fonds a fund for the purchase and maintenance of Dutch paintings from the nineteenth century and the Romantic School.

Bank ten Cate & Cie. Fonds a fund for purchasing, restoration and research activities in relation to the textile interior.

Scato Gockinga Fonds a fund that provides broad support for the Rijksmuseum’s collection of ship models.

Angelina Ognibeni - Jan van Hulsen a fund for the purchase of Italian drawings and prints.

Frits en Phine Verhaaff Fonds a fund established for the purchase, restoration and exhibition of medieval art, and research in this field.

Manfred & Hanna Heiting Fonds a fund that promotes photographic historical research by up-and-coming curators from the Netherlands and abroad on the basis of originals from the National Photography Collection in the Rijksmuseum.

Johan Huizinga Fonds a fund that supports the optimum presentation of the cultural heritage of the Netherlands in the Rijksmuseum.

Receptuurboeken Fonds a fund established for the purchase and restoration of instructions and guides for the artist, as well as related research and education.

Sem Presser Fonds a fund that facilitates an annual educational project for young people aged 13-16, focused on capturing a topical aspect of Dutch society in a series of photographs. The project is linked with and runs parallel to the annual Document Nederland photography assignment.

A.E. van Kampen Fonds a fund established for the purchase, restoration and exhibition of silver, and for research in this area.

Bas ten Haaf Fonds a fund to help make the Rijksmuseum as accessible as possible to visitors with a physical disability or impairment.

Van der Vossen- Delbrück Fonds a fund that supports the Rijksmuseum Library in the purchase and restoration of art theory and art technology resources, and research in this area.

Sara Geertruida Aalders- Huender Fonds a fund that supports the Lace collection.

Maria Adriana Aalders Fonds a fund for the national history collection and the Dutch cultural heritage collection.

J.A.J. en M.A. Risseeuw Fonds a fund for the purchase, restoration and exhibition of paintings and watercolours from the period of the Hague School.

Willy van der Mandele Fonds a fund for the restoration of paintings, research in this field and all activities that are related or may be conducive to this purpose.

Knecht – Drenth Fonds a fund established for the purchase of 20th and 21st century paintings, sculptures and/or works on paper affiliated with the Netherlands.

Migelien Gerritzen Fonds a fund that contributes to educational projects for the Conservation and Restoration department.

Staal aan Zee, Tata Steel Nederland B.V. this company finances a curator of Indian Art.

Sylvia en Carel Willink Fonds a fund established for the purchase, maintenance and national and international promotion of the work of Carel Willink.

Bestuursfonds Hollandse Meesters a fund for educational programmes, projects and resources.

Johanna Kast-Michel Fonds a fund that supports training opportunities, research and project implementation for restorers.

The Vandenbroek Foundation funds the education project Jij & De Gouden Eeuw (You & The Golden Age).

Virtutis Opus Fonds a fund that finances a curator and restorer for the maintenance of the Naval Models collection and academic research in this area.

Flora Fonds a fund for the digitization and accessibility of the Rijksmuseum’s costume and fashion prints.

Fonds 1975 a fund that facilitates fundraising for documentary photography for the Rijksmuseum collection.

Dr. Anton C.R. Dreesmann Fonds a fund for fundamental technical and materials research into paintings.

Irma Theodora Fonds a fund that provides broad support for projects.

M.B.T. de Groot and Family who contributed to the purchase of the FK 23 Bantam.

H&H Fonds a fund for the benefit of educational projects for children.

Fonds Delfts Aardewerk a fund for the preservation and transfer of knowledge of Dutch pottery and more specifically Delftware in the Rijksmuseum.

Fonds De Haseth-Möller a fund for the promotion of the eighteenth century, especially in the field of research and training.

Linda H. and George M. Kaufman who contributed to the publication of Paris 1650-1900. Decorative Arts in the Rijksmuseum.

Juwelenfonds a fund that supports the Rijksmuseum’s jewellery collection.

van Marle Fonds a fund for restoration, conservation and research within the discipline of works on paper.

Fonds de Zuidroute a fund for activities and initiatives related to the history of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) and the Dutch West India Company (WIC) or historical objects related to the period.

Familie Staal Fonds a fund for the development and implementation of an architectural tour of the Rijksmuseum and for the support of the Asian collection.

Don Quixote Foundation a foundation for the Rijksmuseum Gardens.

Bervoets Fonds a fund that finances a curator of Japanese prints.

Vincent Mentzel Fonds a fund to make photojournalism a more accessible part of the Rijksmuseum collection.

Fonds Beukenhorst a fund to stimulate scholarship and education in their broadest sense.

Paul en Hanneke Van Den Hoek Fonds a fund that supports the activities of the Conservation and Restoration department.

Freek & Hella de Jonge Fonds a fund for the theatrical presentation of the Golden Age, a part of the Golden Age experience for primary school pupils.

Ernst Nijkerk Fonds a fund for education, research and purchases for the Rijksmuseum silver collection, in particular Amsterdam silver.

The de Vink Foundation who contributes to the development and operation of the Teekenschool, the educational activities of the Rijksmuseum.

Wientjes Family provides broad project support and funds the publication on Ghana in the Country Series.

Stichting Kramer-Lems a foundation that supports the conservation and restoration of various sub-collections, along with related research and education activities.

Joop en Charlotte van Caldenborgh who support Jeppe Hein’s Hide and See(k) fountain.

Stichting Beaulieu et Beaux Arts a foundation that supports the Rijksmuseum in the broadest sense.

Willem F.C. Stevens Fonds a fund for the educational activities of the Rijksmuseum’s Conservation and Restoration department.

Decorative Art Fund for promoting the study and presentation of the decorative arts in the Rijksmuseum by facilitating acquisitions of European design and ornamental drawings from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century.

Ton en Judy van Heuzen-Dijksma Fonds a fund that provides broad support for the museum’s silver collection and skating scenes and frozen landscapes.

Bert & Lammie Fonds a fund for the collection of prints and drawings from the 20th century in the broadest sense.

Elise Wessels Fonds a fund the supports the Rijksmuseum’s Japanese print collection.

Fonds Haute Couture a fund for research into and the purchase and preservation of the collection of costumes and textiles in the broadest sense.

Het Autobinckfonds a fund providing support for the research and restoration project into Rembrandt's Night Watch.

Stichting De Grimmerschors a fund for the publication of the Family guide 19th century.

Gerard Krans who contributes to the publication of the Country Series.

Family M. van Poecke a fund that provides broad support for the Rijksmuseum.

Familie Van Ogtrop Fonds a fund for research into and analysis of the Italian art collection.

Willem Jan Hacquebord en Houkje Anna Brandsma who contributed to the purchase of the painting Women’s Skating Competition on the Stadsgracht in Leeuwarden by Nicolaas Baur.

Family W. Cordia a fund that provides broad support for the Rijksmuseum.

Stefanie Georgina Alexa Nühn Fonds a fund for the purchase of (international) documentary photography.

Bennink Foundation a fund that provides broad support for projects.

Hannes Postma Fonds a fund for the maintenance and release of the work of Hannes Postma.

Jan en Trish de Bont a fund that provides support for a junior conservator of photography.

Rijsterborgh Fonds a fund that provides broad support for 17th century art.

Otto van Noppen Fonds a fund that provides broad support for art from 1900.

Elles Nansink Fonds a fund that provides broad support for the Rijksmuseum.

Familie Verbeek Fonds a fund that provides broad support for the Rijksmuseum.

Fonds Dirk Jan van Orden a fund that provides broad support for 17th century art, including information about the importance of the 17th century for the Dutch society.

Marjon Ornstein Fonds a fund that provides broad support for projects.

Joost Meijers Fonds a fund that provides broad support for the museum’s silver collection.

Fonds de Appel a fund that provides broad support for projects.

Luca Fonds a fund supporting a project on the history of restoration.

I.Q. van Regteren Altena Fonds a fund supporting purchases of drawings and watercolours (on paper manufactured before 1899) by Dutch and Flemish artists, for the Print Room’s collection.

E.H. and L.L. Ariëns Kappers Fonds a fund used to purchase prints and drawings for the Print Room.

Familie Krouwels Fonds a fund for the online development and presentation of the collection, and specifically for the Rijksstudio Award.

Henry M. Holterman Fonds a fund that provides support for educational programs and projects for youths and support for Operation Night Watch: the research and conservaton project for Rembrandts masterpiece The Night Watch

Bert en Joos Mastenbroek Fonds a fund that provides support for the acquisition, restauration and public accessibility of the Rijksmuseum collection

Familie van Heel Fonds a fund that provides support for education, research and acquisitions for the Photography collection

Prachtnacht Fonds a fund that enables the annual Prachtnacht at the Rijksmuseum aimed at children who cannot visit the museum during regular opening hours

Nan van Andel Fonds a fund that provides broad support for the Rijksmuseum

Jessy & Betty Blumenthal Fonds a fund that provides broad support for the Rijksmuseum

LOBA Fonds a fund that provides broad support for projects

H.C.N. Munnig Schmidt Fonds a fund that provides broad support for the maritime collection

Familie Vermaat for the acquisition of the Roman table with gilt-bronze mounts and re-used marble top, made in Rome between c. 1701-1705

Van Liemt-Gratama Fonds a fund that provides broad support for the maritime collection

Stichting Victor Heiloo a fund that provides support for the material technical research into the late work of Matthijs Maris

Cevat Fonds a fund that provides support for the restauration, conservation and research of the seventeenth century art collection

Cees en Ingeborg van der Burg a fund that provides support for the digitization project of Robert Jacob Gordon

Ambaum Haks Fonds a fund that provides support for the acquisition and conservation of applied art forms of the 19th and 20th century

Anita Nijboer Fonds a fund that provides broad support for the Rijksmuseum

Schenking Hans & Hedy de Klerk a fund that provides broad support for the Rijksmuseum

Biemond Nassiri Fonds a fund that provides support for educational projects of the Rijksmuseum aimed at teachers of, preferably, the field of primary education

Ad en Dieuwke de Ruiter-Dokkum Fonds a fund that provides support for the restauration of sculptures and paintings.

J.J. Staargaard Fonds a fund for the acquisition of and research into Tibetan artefacts in the Rijksmuseum collection

Marque Joosten & Eduard Planting Fonds a fund for the acquisition of, research a fund that provides support for education, research and acquisitions for the Photography collection

Piek-den Hartog Fonds a fund that provides for educational projects, specifically for projects concerning the Age of Rembrandt

Elisabeth Art Foundation a fund providing support for projects set up by the Rijksmuseum that bring people and art together

Daniël Marot Fonds a fund providing support for activities, research and projects concerning interiors and applied arts, preferably from the period before 1900

Stichting Saphir a fund providing support for the Rijksmuseum Junior Fellowship

Dick Mooij Fonds a fund providing support for the Asian Art collection of the Rijksmuseum, especially the collection of netsuke

Broere Charitable Foundation provided support for the acquisition of a folding screen by Kano Ryusetsu Hidenobu, Scenes from the tale of Genji, ca. 1670–1700

Joost en Carin Scholten Fonds a fund that supports the acquisition of (art)historical objects for the collection of the Rijksmuseum

Wim Vehmeijer Fonds a fund that supports acquisitions in favour of the library of the Rijksmuseum

Emmel Fonds a fund providing support for the organization of the biannual Marjan Unger lecture

Florasina Fonds a fund providing support for the stimulation of the development of innovative techniques concerning conservation and restauration

Jan en Caroline van der Waals-Hissink Fonds a fund providing support, in the spirit of Jan van der Waals, for research into the production, spread and use of printed images (1450-1900) and publications, exhibitions and other projects resulting from beforementioned research

Marjorie and Jeffrey A. Rosen a fund providing support for Operation Night Watch: the research and conservaton project for Rembrandts masterpiece The Night Watch

Seascape Fund a fund providing support for the acquisition of seascapes for the Photography collection

Piet van der Slikke & Sandra Swelheim a fund providing support for Operation Night Watch: the research and conservaton project for Rembrandts masterpiece The Night Watch

Familie De Rooij a fund providing support for Operation Night Watch: the research and conservaton project for Rembrandts masterpiece The Night Watch

Dina & Kjell Johnsen a fund providing support for Operation Night Watch: the research and conservaton project for Rembrandts masterpiece The Night Watch

Familie D. Ermia a fund providing support for Operation Night Watch: the research and conservaton project for Rembrandts masterpiece The Night Watch

C.L. Carvalho-Heineken a fund providing support for Operation Night Watch: the research and conservaton project for Rembrandts masterpiece The Night Watch

Nachtwacht Fonds a fund providing support for Operation Night Watch: the research and conservaton project for Rembrandts masterpiece The Night Watch

Fonds Objectief Nederland a fund providing support for the acquisition of photographs for the Photography collection with the Netherlands as subject that do not yet belong to the ‘canon’

TIQ Fonds (Tuineren met IQ) a fund that supports the education of gardeners in de gardens of the Rijksmuseum

Boekrestauratie Fonds a fund that benefits the conservation of books in the collection of the Rijksmuseum library.

Zusjes Nieuwbeerta Fonds a fund enabling the creation and distribution of the school magazine Slavery for all level 8 classes of Primary School and the first classes of Secondary School.

Fonds Sascha Ladenius a fund that benefits 18th and 19th Century craftsmanship, with a particular focus for costumes, fabrics, and furniture.

Conrad Whelan 42 Fund a fund that benefits acquisitions, educational projects, conservation and research activities of the Rijksmuseum.

Hans & Jacqueline van der Linden-Piret Fonds a fund supporting tour guides and tours in the Rijksmuseum and all activities that are related or may be conducive to this purpose.

Women of the Rijksmuseum Fund a fund for research, education, publications, purchases and all activities that are related or may be conducive to the purpose of increasing the visibility of women in (Dutch) cultural history in relation to the collection of the Rijksmuseum.

Het Rode Beuk Fonds for medieval art.

Susi Zijderveld Fonds a fund to support the Women of the Rijksmuseum project.

Joke en Dick Veeze who contributed to the publication about Stanley Brouwn, the so called “Stanley Brouwn Index”.

Kind Courage Monique Maarsen Fonds a fund to support the Women of the Rijksmuseum project.

Heleen Dura-van Oord Fonds a fund to support the Women of the Rijksmuseum project.

Familie De Bruijne Fonds a fund that provides broad support for projects of the Rijksmuseum.

Bas en Lucy van der Vlist Fonds a fund that provides broad support for projects of the Rijksmuseum.

Floor Fonds a fund for the annual photography assignment (formerly known as Document NL Junior)

Karin van Leeuwen Fonds a fund to support the Women of the Rijksmuseum project.

Dreesmann-Beerkens Fonds a fund to support the Women of the Rijksmuseum project.

Sofronie Foundation a fund to support the Women of the Rijksmuseum project.

Anonymous donors