Rembrandt: storyteller, rebel, superstar and icon of the Netherlands. But also a Leidener, father and widower. Dive into his turbulent life and most famous works here. Especially for the birthday of the great master, we have collected all episodes of our series. This way you can learn everything about him. Have fun!

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Want to see the works in real life? Come visit them at the Rijksmuseum! We will be happy to tell you more about it there.

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1:31 min. - Why is the Night Watch actually so famous?

1:01 min. - Look at the thick paint in Rembrandt’s turban

1:00 min. - The 22-year-old Rembrandt seen here did not shy away from experimenting

1:02 min. - How did Rembrandt create the dynamics in this group portrait?

1:07 min. - One of the most famous embraces in the art of painting

Marten&Oopjen Marten&Oopjen

1:26 min. - Purchased by France and the Netherlands for 80 million euros apiece

1:15 min. Rembrandt rendered her costly jewellery masterfully

1:09 min. - You can almost feel the silence

1:01 min. - Anna looks at her husband in disbelief...

1:13 min - Help! There's a thunderstorm!

1:14 min. - What prophecy of Jeremiah is coming true?

1:03 min. - The old woman is completely engrossed in her book

1:05 min. - Not a portrait, but a tronie

1:17 min - Adoration of the Lord or a brothel scene?

1:14 min. - Portrait of a devout man

1:16 min. - What makes Haesje's face so lively?