Stories about slavery. Not as an abstract concept, but in the form of personal and true stories. Stories from Brazil, Suriname and the Caribbean, as well as from South Africa and Asia. Stories about people who were enslaved or were slave owners, about people who benefited from the system or fought against it. They are an inextricable part of our history.

4:28 min. - Between two fires in Dutch Brazil

4:15 min. - Survival on a plantation in Suriname

4:35 min. - Wealth in the Republic

3:54 min. - 'Moor' in the Republic

6:43 min. - Shipped to Batavia, Banda, Cape Town and Dokkum

3:26 min. - From enslaved servant to prince

5:26 min. - A society of their own

5:56 min. - Freedom, equality and fraternity

5:05 min. - From abolitionist to slave owner

7:05 min. - Beads versus laws