Eduard Isaac Asser
Characterisation and examination of the earliest Dutch photographs
The Rijksmuseum has four albums with 187 photographs by Eduard Isaac Asser (1809-94), a pioneering Dutch photographer. These prints are very fragile, and yet are often requested for study and for exhibitions.
About the project
In order to be more accurate in our descriptions and to better understand Asser’s photographic technique the photographs were examined scientifically, and the coatings analysed with three different analytical techniques. X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRF) gave us information about the chemical composition of the photographic images. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) helped us identify the coatings that Asser applied to his photographs. Before analysis, the prints had been described either as “shellac-coated” or as “waxed,” based on their varying degree of sheen. However, FTIR identified more substances in the coatings: gum, protein, natural resin, and starch. Finally, Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) proved to be useful for exploring the topography and structure of the paper supports and coatings.
Aim of the project
Some of these early prints appear to have been poorly fixed, and as a result are stained and faded. On others, discoloured coatings affect the appearance of the photograph and make its identification difficult. The aim of this project is to identify the coatings Asser applied. Not only to better understand his process, but also to ascertain how the photographs will change over time and to assess the effect of display during exhibitions or during consultations for study purposes.
Related events
Presentation about the photographical techniques Asser used, at the Salted Paper Prints Symposium, Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts (14-15 September, 2017);
Presentation about the history of the Asser albums; Ethical issues regarding their treatments since the objects were acquired by the Rijksmuseum in 1994. Presented at the AIC PMG & ICOM-CC PMWG Joint Meeting bij de New York Public Library for the Performing Arts (19-23 February, 2019);
The research was presented online to curators and paper conservators at the Royal Collections in Windsor, UK (9 October 2020);
Interview about the restoration of photographical material and research to contribute to the oral history of women at work in museums (15 October 2020).
Rosina Herrera Garrido
Conservator photographs
Partners and projects
This project is made possible thanks to Jan and Trish de Bont.
- R. Herrera Garrido, S. de Groot and T. Callewaert, 'The Coated Salted Paper Prints from the Eduard Isaac Asser Collection at the Rijksmuseum: FTIR and OCT Identification and Characterization' in: Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, special issue on Salted Paper Prints, Taylor & Francis (2021).
- R. Herrera Garrido, 'Ethical considerations when exhibiting, studying and treating photographic albums: the Asser albums at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam', in: Topics in Photograph Preservation (2021).
- R. Herrera Garrido, La conservación y restauración de material fotográfico, Síntesis, 2021. This book on the restoration of photographic materials is a guide for students and professionals in this field. The book has been published in Spanish and hopes to contribute to the preservation of heritage in Spanish-speaking countries.