**For both the present painting (SK-A-589) and its pendant (SK-A-397)** ? Commissioned by or for the sitters; ? their daughter, Theodora de Visscher (1641-1722), Amsterdam; ? her son, Jan (Jean) Rijswijck (1678-1756), Amsterdam; ? his daughter, Johanna Rijswijck (1723-?), Amsterdam; her daughter, Johanna Balguerie, née Van Rijswijk (1750-1823), Amsterdam; by whom bequeathed to the museum, with 21 other portraits, 1823{NHA, ARM, IS, inv. 11, no. 51 (1 March 1823); NHA, ARM, Kop., inv. 36, pp. 140-41 (30 March 1823); NHA, ARM, IS, inv. 11, nos. 56 (17 April 1823), 57 (18 April 1823); NHA, ARM, Kop., inv. 36, p. 143 (8 May 1823).} Or: ? Commissioned by or for the sitters; ? their daughter, Theodora de Visscher (1641-1722), Amsterdam; ? her son, Theodore (Dirck) Rijswijck (1668-1729), Amsterdam; ? his daughter, Theodora Rijswijck (1695-1752), Amsterdam; ? her husband, Pierre Balguerie (1679-1759), Amsterdam; ? his son, Daniel Balguerie (1732-1788), Amsterdam; his wife, Johanna Balguerie, née Van Rijswijk (1750-1823), Amsterdam; by whom bequeathed to the museum, with 21 other portraits, 1823{NHA, ARM, IS, inv. 11, no. 51 (1 March 1823); NHA, ARM, Kop., inv. 36, pp. 140-41 (30 March 1823); NHA, ARM, IS, inv. 11, nos. 56 (17 April 1823), 57 (18 April 1823); NHA, ARM, Kop., inv. 36, p. 143 (8 May 1823).}