….; collection Lanckoroński, Vienna;{MCCP website, file card no. 494.} from whom confiscated by the Nazi's for Adolph Hitler's Führermuseum, Linz, 1939;{Skubiszewska/Kuczman 2010, p. 23} war recuperation, Austrian Government, 1946;{MCCP Website, file card no. 494; the Munich Central Collecting Point number 494 is recorded in blue on the reverse of the painting; Kommission für Provenienzforschung, Bundesdenkmalamt, Hofburg, Vienna, BDA-Archiv, Restitutionsmaterialien, Karton 12/3, Mappe 2, Liste zum 7. Transport, no. 24.}…; collection of the Lanckoroński family, 1950;{Kommission für Provenienzforschung, Bundesdenkmalamt, Hofburg, Vienna, BDA-Archiv, Restitutionsmaterialien, Karton 26/1, Mappe Reservatsakten I, p. 2. The painting is described as `leinwand´ by mistake, but can be identified by the numbers.} ...; sale, the R.T. Hon. The Earl of Derby M.C. et al., London (Christie´s), 21 April 1967, no. 28, £ 840, to the museum