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Raffaello Schiaminossi (mentioned on object), 1605
Profeet Amos
Raffaello Schiaminossi (mentioned on object), 1609
Profeet Hosea
Raffaello Schiaminossi (mentioned on object), 1606
Profeet Micha
Profeet Jona
Raffaello Schiaminossi (mentioned on object), 1606 - 1609
Eer en Vrijheid
Raffaello Schiaminossi (mentioned on object), c. 1605
Maria in de wolken
Raffaello Schiaminossi (mentioned on object), 1613
Maria met Kind aanbeden door de heiligen Thomas en Cecilia
Raffaello Schiaminossi (mentioned on object), 1613 - 1627
Titelprent met trompetterende engelen
Profeet Daniël
Profeet Joël
Delfische Sibille
Libische Sibille
Hellespontische Sibille
Sibille van Cumae
Raffaello Schiaminossi, 1606 - 1609
Sibille van Erythrae